03/02/12 8:17 AM
To the Honorable Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda;
Thank you so much for speaking against and voting against the 'inspirational message' bill. I believe that by your actions you are helping to promote religious freedom in Florida. The Tallahassee Democrat said it all in a headline entitled "Florida House Debates Prayer." In the article the Democrat noted that legislators soon dropped the facade of the 'inspirational message' and began talking about prayer. 'Prayer' is an activity common to Islam, Judaism and Christianity; but neither it, nor it's thinly disguised neighbor - the inspirational message, are common to all the faith traditions represented in Florida. In that regard alone your opposition supports expanding religious freedom. In addition, there are a growing number of people in Florida and all of the United States, who identify with no religious tradition at all; some identify themselves humanists, some atheists. I believe that our public schools should protect each child's right to belief or unbelief by avoiding all attempts to fit prayer into schools, even when it is called an 'inspirational message.' Thank you again for speaking against Bill 8827 and in favor of the constitutional protections afforded all Americans. Rev. Robin Gray