Christy Shannon offered these thoughts to kick off our canvass:
Only one year ago Mark and I were happily living in Rockville. I was teaching math at a local high school. Mark had worked for eight years at the Germantown office. We both had family nearby and were active in our local UU church.
In late February of last year, Mark was offered a chance to open a new office in Tallahassee. One of my first questions was “Is there a UU church there?” During Mark’s first visit, he drove by this church and took a picture for me. When Mark and I came up together a month later to make our final decision, we came here for a Sunday service. We immediately felt the warmth of this community. As some of you know, we literally moved in next door.
Once we actually moved here and started getting involved in the church, I mentioned to several folks that I had been involved in the Canvass in my previous church. Three different folks said the same thing, “Shhhhh, if you aren’t careful, you’ll get dragged into helping with the canvass here!” I appreciated their concern, but I WANT to be involved in the canvass. I know that lots of folks shy away from talking about money. I must admit that I don’t enjoy it, but I appreciate this church and this staff too much to let a little discomfort get in the way of doing something as important as ensuring that this church is here.
However, this church is more than just my new community. This church is also the moral center of many of our lives. My Unitarian Universalist faith is important me and I consider it my religion. Coming to church regularly, reminds me of my better self and helps me be a better person. I meet people here that are doing so much good and it always inspires me to try to do better.
As an UU, I believe people are good and this helps me to be a better high school teacher. I love teaching and particularly reaching out to my students to teach math, but also to model how to treat each other. The vast majority of these students treat me with respect every day. However, there are some students will be impressively rude to me on occasion. Some students are consistently rude. My UU faith reminds me that since I know they are good people, then I also know that they are rude for one of two reasons. Either they are scared they aren’t smart enough to do what I’m asking, or they are hurting from something in their home lives or social lives.
My faith helps me to reach out instead of lash out. It helps me to stay open even when I’m hurt and want to close off. My faith has helped me reach some students who are really struggling and I continue to be humbled when they are share with me their fears and dreams.
I hope that you can see that I’m happy to be here. I am so grateful that you were here waiting for us. Thank you. Please help me ensure this church has a strong budget so this church can continue to reach out to folks that need some more blessings in their lives, too.