Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Love We Seek

By Rev. Robin Gray
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Tallahassee

The Jain prays: “Forgive do I creatures all, and let all creatures forgive me. Unto all have I amity, and unto none enmity.”  Short phrases, made no less profound by their brevity. Phrases borrowed from a religious tradition begun in India, and no less pertinent in our lives as the great winter of waiting begins on the American continent.

Time and again, scriptures and sages from around the globe remind us that our essential goal in life must be to create amity — the harmony that rests on a foundation of peace and loving kindness. We listen and we know that that harmony will paint a brighter future for humanity. We listen to the admonitions, and sometimes we hear, how very important it is to our personal growth as spiritual and physical beings to develop the capacities for all-encompassing love.

Still the goal eludes the vast majority of us. A dedicated few, some call them saints, move beyond the masses and their love is legendary. The rest of us find ourselves caught up in the fear that pits nation against nation, and creates foes from friends. Wars waged and terrors committed in the name of religious purity shout down the quiet prayers of those who wish only to promote the Spirit of Peace.

The deep knowledge we have about the way life should be is tangled in the surface activities that divide us from the love we seek. Yet the fact that the goal lies beyond us still is hardly reason to abandon the search, and those same scriptures and sages recall us to a renewed dedication.

This, for me, is a part of the holy quest of Christmas and the sacred cycle of the seasons. If ever the angels did sing, “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All,” they sing it still for me. If the sun shines with rays of hope and gives to life her all, then I can do no less in return. 

Take time this season to bring make love and harmony a part of your daily care and concern. Let yourself  be reminded of the greater goal that needs our attention in every season of the year.