Thursday, April 19, 2012

Chalice Lighting for Pride Service

Our sanctuary was packed on April 17, when representatives of eleven faith groups and combined choirs from UUCT and Temple Israel shared in a moving service for Pride 2012. The theme was 'radical inclusion.'  Below you will find the chalice lighting Carl Sherrod and I offered to open the service, it is adapted and expanded from words by William F. Schulz.
This is the mission of our faith: 
To teach the fragile art of hospitality.
The fragile art includes more than welcoming the stranger, but, being present to the needs of men, women, and children in their triumphs and their pain.  The fragile art of hospitality is symbolized by the bowl of our chalice which gathers us into a circle of common caring.
This is the mission of our faith;
To revere both the critical mind and the generous heart.
The expanding search for truth creates both doubt and faith; and we strive to welcome each in our midst.  The generous heart jumps the chasm between believers and unbelievers, young and old, gay and straight seeking only to know the inherent worth in all.  The refining fire of thought and the passion of non-judgemental love are called forth in the flame we light.
This is the mission of our faith:
To prove that diversity need not mean divisiveness.
As the chalice is composed of several parts, stem, bowl and fire; so too we are called to recognize that our differences enhance our abilities, for without the unique role played by every person in our communities and outside them as well, we would lose more than ever we would gain.
This is the mission of our faith:
To witness to all that we must hold the whole world in our hands.  
Our witness is met in action for all that we find to be right, good and true. We call ourselves to ‘stand on the side of love’ whenever and wherever human beings are oppressed.  The need for each and every one to be a witness is symbolized by the stem of the chalice which holds our light like a beacon reminding us that all humanity is one.